Tab content starts here.

This section - below the navigation tabs and the purchase area displays the content of the selected tab.
The tab content is stored as a Shopify 'page' and is built by pre-designed 'blocks'.
There is no limit to the number and configurations of the block, except there can only be one audio player per tab.
And, for special requirements, custom HTML can also be used.

Here below - and under the other tabs - all available design blocks will be listed with specs and comments.


We are currently using the following font styles:

- H3 Headers - Montserrat, 1.1em, bold 600, #333

- Bread text - Montserrat, 15px, normal 400, #333

- Small text - Montserrat, 0.7em, normal 400, #333


Header of the Third Block

Praesent quis diam efficitur, mollis quam a, congue elit. Nam et placerat lacus. Nullam maximus condimentum magna. Maecenas tincidunt feugiat rhoncus. Duis vitae mollis ante.

Phasellus in neque quis odio luctus varius. Cras gravida quis massa et tempor. Aliquam ex nibh, scelerisque ut nunc sit amet, luctus porta nibh. Donec in magna quis arcu finibus suscipit in a sem. Aenean.

Morbi faucibus vel tellus eget aliquet. Curabitur eget aliquet tortor, eu dictum urna. Donec vel finibus nisi. Phasellus facilisis ullamcorper mi, ac dignissim sapien pulvinar eu. Nulla iaculis egestas interdum. Etiam placerat, eros sit amet aliquet bibendum, mi ante euismod elit, non posuere eros sapien eget lectus. Maecenas est lacus, ultrices ac ultricies ac, pellentesque a lectus. Integer sit amet.