
Foley Track Holder:

Title: Tracks: INS_001 - Insects Placeholder
Handle: tracks-ins_001-insects-placeholder
Description:- -
Parent Collection(s):- -
Parent Product(s): PENGUIN Insects Audioplayers
 NOTE: The 'Parent' handles above refer to ALL tracks in the Holder. If this is not applicable, use the individual track's handle data and leave this empty.
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P - Product
C - Collection
$ - Buyable track

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No. Name Description Genre Category Dur Size Mode Link Handles Type
1 Small Bug Sweep Burning fire with aggressive searing [ view data ] 16 9.7 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
2 Larger Bug Passby Fire sword being swayed around twice [ view data ] 17 10.3 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
3 Fire Whoosh 03 Burn Constant burning fire with quickening movements [ view data ] 17 10 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
4 Fire Whoosh 04 Carbon Short fire whoosh with phasing air [ view data ] 18 10.5 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
5 Fire Whoosh 05 Deceit Deeper fire whoosh with rumbling air undertone [ view data ] 15 8.8 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
6 Fire Whoosh 06 Earth Quick aggressive fire whoosh [ view data ] 17 10.3 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
7 Fire Whoosh 07 Explore Deep slower fire sword whoosh [ view data ] 14 8.4 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
8 Fire Whoosh 08 Fractal Short fire whoosh with phased air [ view data ] 16 9.7 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
9 Fire Whoosh 09 Project Deep short fire whoosh with phased air [ view data ] 11 6.4 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
10 Fire Whoosh 10 Redeemer Fire sword being slowly swayed around twice [ view data ] 13 7.6 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
11 Fire Whoosh 11 Repent Deep fire sword whoosh with aggressive undertone [ view data ] 15 8.9 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
12 Fire Whoosh 12 Sanction Deep fire sword whoosh [ view data ] 13 7.7 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
13 Fire Whoosh 13 Scoped Deep fire sword whoosh with extra fire movement [ view data ] 20 11.5 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
14 Fire Whoosh 14 Through Fire sword slowly swayed past [ view data ] 19 11 MB Non Tonal Foley Track
15 Fire Whoosh 15 Unreal Short fire puff [ view data ] 12 7.2 MB Non Tonal Foley Track